Of poetry and history is my way of getting back into blogging. It’s been months since I last wrote one. Time to link poetry and history to kick start my muse!
Of history
Since last I put pen to paper here I’ve had a history article published in ‘The Historian’. The magazine of the Historical Association. With photos too. I loved researching for it, and I loved writing it, and I hope to do more. It tells the story of Castle Hill near Huddersfield. Think Ed Sheeran ‘Castle on the Hill’.
Of poetry
I’ve also been thinking about and reading both old and new poetry, both of which inspire me to write more. Poetry and history for me leads me to the First World War poets and in particular to Wilfred Owen. My favourite poem is Strange Meeting from which the following words really speak to me:
‘…granites which titanic wars had groined’ and, ‘The pity of war, the pity war distilled.’
I sometimes wonder if more people read both poetic and prose accounts of war, whether there would be as many. I live in hope.
And rather than leave you on that note, let me leave you with these uplifting lines from Adrian Mitchell about when he moved to the Yorkshire Dales. They always make me feel better:
‘Let your soul roll around these horizons,
An unchipped marble with clouds inside
Buzzing around the huge green bowl of meadows’
Looking forwards
When you read these words think forwards. It might be a little early to think about spring but it’s not too early to think about December the 21st. It’s only a few weeks until the nights start getting lighter again. Roll on the winter solstice. Bring back the light.
Of poetry and history worked. I will be back sooner next time!
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